Sam Pond

coach for men

+1 415-297-6534

Filtering by Tag: inspiration

Life Lessons from an Unlikely Source - a Politician

I don’t know much about politics or what is good for an entire country comprised of at least fifteen different countries. But I do know I like the spirit and beauty of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new congresswoman from New York. (Yes, I said beauty. Somebody has to say it. The media is afraid to go there.)


I was watching the inspiring Netflix doc, “Knock Down the House” and damn, that woman is spunky and smart and positive. I’ve never had a crush on a politician before. First time for everything. 

In once scene, AOC was campaigning on the sidewalk with her niece who got a little downhearted that people were not taking her flyers. AOC leaned over and told her, “For every ten rejections, you get one acceptance. And that’s how you win everything.” She said it with such assuredness and positivity. Like she knew she was going to win. Not logically, but in her gut. Maybe if we’re not getting our ten rejections, or we don’t make our ten mistakes, we’re not actually going anywhere.

In another scene she said, “The power out there is an illusion.”, referring to the status quo of both parties. AOC sees through the matrix. Power is in seeing through the illusion. The entire political establishment is built of nothing. It doesn’t exist except as a common agreement. If we stop agreeing, it loses its power and we can create our own realities which reverberate out from us. 

Finally, to a crowd of freshman hopefuls, she said, “In order for one of us to make it through, one hundred of us have to try.” You could feel the feeling of solidarity of hope in the room. This energy will continue into the future.

Goddamn, this girl gives me chills. (No, not sexual. Get your minds out of the gutter…OK, a little bit.)